"Originally inhabited by the Chickasaw Indian Tribe, the first settlers started moving into this area during the early 1800s. In the original settling of what is now McKenzie, there were two families here that were "rivals". Each named the part of this towns area that they lived in a different name. One part of McKenzie was named Marrieta and the other part Dundas. It was still like this during the Civil War even though the community had much more to worry about at that time than the "rivalry' between the Sneads and the Gilberts. At that time there was a rather big family of McKenzie's that lived here."
- From Joe Stout’s notes on “War Leaflets,” a delightful and emotional chronicle by Annie Cole Hawkins. In it, you can read about many more geographical and societal norms of the region.
McKenzie Medical Center
Mckenzie Medical Center specializes in Family Medicine, General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics and Urology. MMC provides the benefits of big city medicine in a small town, increasing its community's access to specialty and quality care: Every Patient, Every Time.
McKenzie Medical Center has satellite clinics located in Gleason, Bruceton and Dresden. All of these clinics are connected electronically and results are readily available to patients and providers regardless of their location.
For more information visit:http://www.mckenziemedicalcenter.com
Doctor facilities:
Christian Family Medicine
See Facebook page
Hometown Health Clinic & Convenient Care
Baptist Memorial Hospital
See Facebook page
Arts & Entertainment
McKenzie's active community offers residents and visitors abundant opportunities for entertainment. From our annual festivals, to learning opportunities for students of all ages and interests, McKenzie has something for everyone. To learn more about what's going on in McKenzie, visit mckenzietn.gov.
Southern Fried and Sweet Tea Festival
This annual, 2-day festival celebrating food and family includes food vendors, wonderful crafts, fabulous entertainment, children's activities, car show and a fireworks display!
Quality of Life
Abundant educational and recreational opportunities and a low cost of living contribute to an excellent quality of life in McKenzie, TN.